Saturday, 30 June 2007


The draw will be held on Sunday 1st July at 3.00pm GMT. I'll email the winners & will announce their names as soon as I've heard from them.


110 CARDS!

I sit here surrounded by your generosity in the form of 110 postcards. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you! There will be more than one Postcardian art journal - indeed the annals of the Postcardian Quest will be many!! I'm going to laminate each of your cards & then attach it to its page via a silk ribbon so that it acts as a marker for the page it inspires. Your words will not be lost - they will become heirlooms.

110 postcards means that Ovarian Cancer Action will receive a cheque for £110 from me & £20 from Kate Noakes. THANK YOU!! This will make a difference!

What I would love to know is something we can't measure. How many more women now know about the symptoms of ovarian cancer as a result of all your efforts? I'll bet it's a lot!

I wish I could adequately express my gratitude for all that you have done. This has been a most moving experience for me. You're a noble, generous, intelligent & spirited group of people - it has been an honour to have 'met' each of you. Your humanity shines like a beacon.

Ovarian cancer is a thief & it has stolen so many precious women's lives. They could have had more years with us. We could have spent more time with them.

We cannot alter the past, but we can contribute to changing what happens in the future. We will do it in loving memory of all the beautiful women we have lost.

Bless you!

Kate McKinnon KMK26

Kate, I am so grateful to you for this wonderful collection of cards. The amount of the donation to Ovarian Cancer Action has significantly grown thanks to your generosity. Good luck!

Kate McKinnon KMK25

'Sorrow Rubbing Sorrow' by C. L. Cunningham

Kate McKinnon KMK24

' Warrior Takatsuna on Horse'

Kate, this eclectic collection is packed full of delights - I'm SO grateful to you!

Kate McKinnon KMK23

'Clearing Summer Storm Clouds, Gates of the Valley, Yosemite National Park'

I look at this & am strongly reminded of Turner's work. Thank you for this magnificent card!

Kate McKinnon KMK22

'Tea Cup Omens' by C.L.Cunningham

Friday, 29 June 2007

Kate McKinnon KMK21

This is what I look like first thing in the morning!

Kate, thank you for these exquisite cards, particularly the portrait of me & my mad, staring eyes. Good luck!

Kate McKinnon KMK20

'Unemployed Royalty' by C.L.Cunningham

Kate McKinnon KMK19

'Chat with the Priest' by C.L.Cunningham

Kate McKinnon KMK18

' The Idea of Flying' by E.L.Cunningham

Kate Mckinnon KMK17

This is so sweet - a walrus cuddle :-)

Thank you Kate!

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Jane Pocock JP1

You'd have to be very hardy to do this in England & I doubt that there are any nudist beaches in Scotland.

When the English pay a visit to the coastal areas of this island, they usually take beach wear & a towel plus thermals, jumpers, welliington boots, a little gas stove, waterproofs, sleeping bags, a ski jacket - you name it, we take it. The womenfolk of England like to be prepared for every eventuality which is just as well as our weather can turn from burning sunshine to hail in the blink of an eye!

This adaptibility is why cardigans will never go out of fashion in the UK ;-)

Jane, thank you for this wonderful card - good luck!

Kate McKinnon KMK16

Oh my - a Lubritorium! How elegant!

Kate, thank you for these stupendous cards - good luck!

Kate McKinnon KMK15

'Trading Perfume' by C. L. Cunningham

This s so lovely - thank you!

Kate McKinnon KMK14

'Undaunted' by Keith Gotschall.

You've all introduced me to such wonderful things - have a look at Front Range Woodturners

Kate, thank you for the introduction :-)

Kate McKinnon KMK13

Kate, how did you manage to get a card showing Lula's response when I tell her to do something about the dump she calls her bedroom? Spooky!

Kate McKinnon KMK12

WOW ONCE MORE! This is dazzling!

Thank you Kate :-)

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Kerryn Eyers KE1

Thank you very much for this beautiful card and the elegant & pertinent quote which now has a permanent place on this blogsite.

Good Luck Kerryn!

Jennie Todd JT3

I would love to meet you for a meal in Maine! Jennie, thank you & good luck!

Jennie Todd JT2

What breathtaking scenery! How I envy you! Thank you for this stunning card :-)

Kate McKinnon KMK11

Beloved Frida.

Turn your life into art.

Thank you Kate.

Kate McKinnon KMK10


Kate McKinnon KMK9

I LOVE this visual joke - I wonder what Hokusai would have thought?

Pure genius - thank you Kate :-)

Kate McKinnon KMK8

'Wallflowers' by C.L.Cunningham

Kate has very kindly treated me to some more postcards featuring this artist's work. Keep on watching!

Kate McKinnon KMK7


Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Kate Noakes KN2

Kate Noakes has been a great support during the Quest & now she has very kindly sent a donation which I'm forwarding to Ovarian Cancer Action along with my own cheque.

Thank you Kate - you're a bright, shining star!

Ellie ELS1

Wonderful San Francisco! Choosing where I'm going to live if I emigrate is becoming an impossible task. At this rate, I'm going to have to stay in the UK & dither ;-)

Ellie, thank you very much for this fabulous card. Good Luck!

Deborah Rael-Buckley DRB1

Deborah, thank you very much for this special Mandala card. I treasure the Altarcitos which Jean gave me so I'm aware of the power of Rae's work.

Good Luck!

Jennie Todd JT1

I want to emigrate to Maine too! Jennie, I've lost my heart to Maine.

Thank you for this beautiful card! Good Luck!

Kate McKinnon KMK6

Were it not for the rain that fell in sheets from the sky last week, you can count on the fact that someone would have worn something very similar to this on Ladies' Day at Ascot. I kid you not. If it's possible to Google, google, gawp & let your mind boggle at the hats!

Kate - thank you so much these cards! More tomorrow :-)

Kate McKinnon KMK5

I think I want to emigrate & live in Boulder, Colorado. This is GLORIOUS!

Kate McKinnon KMK4

Ha ha! Love it!

Kate McKinnon KMK3

This must surely be the COOLEST gas station in the world! It's in Allentown, Arizona.

What a fantastic card - many thanks!

Kate McKinnon KMK2

'The Intensive Agricultural home of Biosphere 2 which will support eight humans & their domestic animals over 8 years'.

As Lula ( my lispy daughter) would say, 'Awethome!'

Kate McKinnon KMK1

Kate has sent me a cache of the most delicious postcards - 26 in total! I'm going to spread this display over the remaining days of June so that we can fully savour these cards.

This one is entitled 'Let's Get Together & Suck Face!' What a gurn! Does he look like an ostrich or am I suffering from delusions?

What a great card! Thank you Kate :-)

Monday, 25 June 2007

Please show you care!

I've copied this entry from my own blog . I want to make just one last plea.

Time is running out.
The postal service in the UK is not the most reliable one in the world so please send your postcards as soon as you can. I've raised the amount I will donate to Ovarian Cancer Action. Instead of a $1 per card, I've increased it to £1 sterling.

There are three ways in which you can help.

Join us - your integrity & reputation will open doors for us that might otherwise be shut.

Send a card - a donation will be made for each postcard received.

Spread the word - tell every woman you know about the symptoms of ovarian cancer & in turn, ask her to spread the facts too.

There is a possibility that you could save someone’s life. It could be your own life. It might also be the life of someone you love.Let’s look at the facts.

Ovarian cancer is common. It is likely that during the course of your life, you will meet at least one person who is cursed with this illness. Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women.

Ovarian cancer can affect women of any age.

If found in the early stages, up to 95% of women will survive for more than five years.

You don’t need me to tell you what will happen if you or your friend or a member of your family ignores the symptoms.

With these facts in mind, can you afford not to share your knowledge with every woman you know?

During the past weeks, some people have turned me away saying that they don't have time to waste on this. Ovarian cancer will waste far much more of their time than the few minutes it takes to read what every woman should know.

The deadline is coming & the draw is on it's way!

I have a very good memory - she's called Jean Yates :-) She looks after me too, because she has the BIGGEST HEART in all the known world. If she was French, they would have modelled a Marianne figure on her!

She's reminded me to tell you that the draw will take place on Sunday Ist July so Mr Postman's delivery on Saturday will be the final one eligible for the draw.

Good Luck!

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Getting ready for the draw!

Il postino was conspicuous by his absence on Friday & Saturday, but I've not been lazy. I've begun the task of folding up all the slips of paper on which I've written each of your code numbers. I've got just one week to find a hat!

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Sarah Moran SM3

I couldn't resist putting Emma & Sarah's postcards close together. Wow - what a powerful shot of colour! Doesn't it make you feel good?

Sarah, thank you for all your cool cards - good luck!

Emma Ralph ER2

I LOVE your beads!! How many times have I said that to you?

Thank you Emma - good luck!

Emma Ralph ER1

I always say that a blog is not a proper blog until it's got a duck on it!

Don't worry friends - I haven't lost the plot! Emma's my buddy & she'll know what I'm talking about - I hope?

Teresa Lalibertè TL3

Teresa, thank you so much for these beautiful cards.

Good Luck!